Our Director

Eliane Pascali

Eliane Pascali

Related Services Director

Eliane Pascali


Eliane Pascali has had extensive experience as a trilingual Occupational Therapist. She holds a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and has over 12 years of experience. She is a licensed, registered, and school certified occupational therapist in New Jersey and has extensive experience working in school settings with children of all ages and diagnoses.

Throughout her career, Eliane has worked predominantly with Spanish-speaking children and their families in educational settings given her abilities to speak Spanish, Portuguese, and English. She believes in the importance of evaluating and treating bilingual students, distinguishing language differences from its barriers, and developing appropriate and effective treatment programs for these students. Besides the pediatric settings, Eliane has provided occupational therapy services to adults in community, subacute, nursing homes, and assisted living centers.

Eliane is National Board Certified in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT), Certified Specialist in Physical Agent Modalities (PAMs), Certified Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist(ASDCS), Certified ADHD Professional ( ADHD-CCSP), Certified in Primitive Reflex Integration, and licensed Interactive Metronome provider. She is currently working on her feeding specialist certification and looks forward to continuing learning new evidence-based approaches.

Eliane has focused her practice on working with children, educational teams, and the parents of children who struggle with the physical, emotional and social effects of special needs. She believes in assisting parents to focus on the strength and abilities of each child while incorporating behavior plans and strategies to foster success is the key to happiness and success.

Eliane brings her love and respect for her students, personal understanding of parents struggling with a special needs child, and innovative and effective strategies for educational team members to support and enhance the student’s skills in a fun way.

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